WordPress 101: Everything You Need To Know

Blogs have become more and more common over recent years. More and more people use WordPress as the first choice in publishing their blogs. WordPress offers so much that it can become overwhelming at times.

Spend some time learning about the tools and options. For example, clicking the “kitchen sink” button gets you a multitude of formatting and importing options to distinguish your site. This can be used to control various formatting features.

It is easy to do video blogging on your WordPress site. This will require you to make special preparations, but the benefits are great. The majority of people that use the internet are visual in nature. Videos can sometimes convey information more quickly and effectively than words can.

TIP! Make sure to use both alt text and title tags. You should include alt text when adding images to your posts.

Make sure to spend some time learning before even installing it. Learn about search engine optimization, creating effective content, and using WordPress and its many features to help ease your workflow.

Eliminate comments and content that fail to add value to your site’s purpose. This will keep your site remains user friendly. Akismet is a useful plugin that you can include that will help you to filter out the daily spam on your site.

Get rid of the special characters in the URLs of your WordPress blog posts. They can make it difficult for search engine spiders to “crawl” around your pages. It would also a good idea to shorten URLs to keywords.

TIP! It is relatively easy to include video blogging in your WordPress site. While you may need to prepare a little more, that makes things worth it.

Are you someone lucky to have a lot of commenting people on your posts?If that is the case, weeding through all the comments may be difficult for you and for other visitors. You can install a plugin that does this section. This will improve your blog’s navigation and give your website a more organized site.

You can up your site’s rank with the search engines by simply taking a few minutes when adding images to your site. Be sure to put in alternate and title tags.

Ensure that your site to their email easily and at will. This is essential so that they can easily share these articles with others. You can use a plugin in WordPress to do this.

TIP! Make sure you learn everything you can prior to installing WordPress. The greater the amount of advance planning done, the more comfortable you will be.

Do not use something generic like “admin” your username. Bots will attack a blog that has “administrator” or ADMIN. This causes your blog to be at risk. Look at each individual page on your site and delete any names that use admin or administrator.

Keep your WordPress password secret so that you will not suffer any security breaches. In addition to that, only download and implement plugins with good reviews from reputable sources. If your are hacked or infected with malware, you will lose everything.

Make sure you titles and descriptors are always used.These are some of the first things your audience sees when finding your pages via a search engines. Scribe is a great piece of software that you can use to gain control over this. This allows you to attract additional viewers by editing the items that appear on your site.

TIP! Create a posting schedule for yourself. You will be more motivated when you have a schedule.

Make sure your plugins you use. The plugins give you a great power to your website’s power. They need to get updated though.

WordPress Version

Make sure your site has the most recent WordPress version of WordPress. Updates usually contain patches that will strengthen the security of vulnerabilities. Using an out of date WordPress version will make your site susceptible to spyware attacks. That is why it is important to install the latest WordPress updates as soon as they come out.

TIP! Simplify your URL by eliminating special characters. They can make it hard for search engines to “spider” and should be removed.

With any luck, you should know some more about WordPress. The amount of bloggers using WordPress is astounding, but it’s also astounding how few know how to really use it. Follow the tips presented here to make great progress with your blog on WordPress.